It has brand new and advanced analytical instruments, which are based on the IRMS technique (Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry) and which allow the analysis of light isotopes (δ¹³C, δ¹⁵N, δ¹⁸O) and of C and N concentrations, in different types of substances ( organic and inorganic), in solid, liquid and gaseous samples.
In summary, the methodology involves the ionization of the sample carried in gaseous form, subsequent acceleration in the electric field and separation of the particles in a magnetic field, with separation of the ion beams based on their mass / charge ratio (m / z). Finally, detectors (Faraday cups) measure the current intensity of each ion beam which, through the use of a specific software, is converted into a relative isotopic abundance of the sample being analyzed.
The main instrument of analysis is the Mass Spectrometer, to which various peripherals are connected in continuous flow, which allow the combustion / pyrolysis of the sample and, in addition, the chromatographic separation upstream of specific molecules (specific compound analysis), on which measurement of the isotopic signal occurs.
In addition, at the iCONa lab, sample preparation lines are used, specifically developed, for mass spectrometry analysis with accelerator (AMS), which allow to carry out radiocarbon datings thanks to the measurement of ¹⁴C content in the samples (in collaboration with LABEC-INFN Florence).
A further service offered by the laboratory is the measurement of strontium isotopic ratios (⁸⁷Sr / Sr), in collaboration with TRACE Research Center.
The measurement protocols used in our laboratory, foresee the use of standards with certified values (eg IAEA standard), for the calibration of the measurements of the analyzed samples. This makes it possible to obtain results that are comparable internationally.
Numerous projects have been carried out for years by the research group that manages the laboratory, in different sectors (archaeometric, environmental, agro-food), with multiple collaborations with national and international research institutes and universities.