Study of eating habits (paleodieta) on ancient Italian and foreign populations, in combination with paleopathological, anthropological and historical-archaeological analyzes, in order to investigate the paleoenvironment.
Analysis and comparison of different extraction and derivatization protocols of the lipid components of ceramic findings, to identify the C16: 0 and C18: 0 fatty acid ratios, which allow to trace the dietary habits of ancient populations.
Investigations on ancient stone materials, in order to establish their origin (quarry), obtain information on the period of use of a quarry, the study of trade routes, the determination of authenticity of a work, the differentiation of different elements of a same work.
Analysis of the isotopic relationships of strontium of tooth enamel, for the identification of the possible migrations that individuals of a specific population have undergone.
Radiocarbon dating on material of organic origin; a micro-destructive technique that involves the use of minimum sample quantities.
Dating of the mortars, important archaeological finds useful for chronologically reconstructing the building phases of the ancient historical buildings, churches and other artifacts of historical and archaeological interest. Upstream from the dating, there is an accurate study of the characterization of the mortars, to know the specific composition and apply the most suitable preparation protocol developed in our research lines.
Traceability study of buffalo mozzarella, through the isotopic marking (C, O and N) of the entire production chain, starting from the feeding of buffaloes, through the production of milk and up to the mozzarella itself.
Differentiation of land snails reared in Italy, compared to foreign countries, by analysis of δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N (in collaboration with the Department of Biology of the University of Naples and Coteli - Consortium of Italian horticulture protection), for the protection of farms Italian helicopters.
Analysis of the δ¹³C of commercial water carbonates, for the identification of natural or artificially added CO₂.
Distinction between organic and conventional agriculture, generated by the different agricultural practice used, through isotopic marking of carbon and nitrogen of vegetables.
Analysis of isotopic ratios in plant growth rings, in combination with dendrochronological and dendroecological analyzes, for eco-physiological studies and anthropogenic and natural effects on tree growth, in different environmental contexts.
Isotopic analysis of plant material for climatic reconstructions.
Isotopic analysis of charcoal for reconstruction of paleofuochi and human activities.
Isotopic analysis of environmental components (soils, vegetation, etc.), for ecological studies (eg flows and displacements of molecules through the various environmental compartments).